The message here is “get entangled”.  We already know about the unique ‘spooky’ relationship between particles due to quantum entanglement and that concept essentially excluded humans from any form of psychic connectivity. Wrong!  It exists and has always existed, but has been essentially involuntarily suppressed by the way we have cognitively evolved. In other words, our system shut it out as an aberration.

Well, then all those claiming to be physic are real, right? Wrong again, most are frauds, but take women who demonstrate strong intuitive awareness and we most likely are observing or experiencing the fringes of human, quantum entanglement. Well, why women? Our theory is they consistently leave their cognitive windows open to rational psychic input. Not to be excluded, though, are tough and bold males who talk about “gut feelings”. Those guys, like the ladies, have kept their cognitive windows open.

Considering the above preamble, you should not be surprised to learn that the communication link with ET is the result of quantum entanglement. The truly stunning fact is not so much that it is that unique link between particles as is the fact the the link between ET and us occurs over light-year distances. The image above gives a slight hint of that phenomenon. So, how did it happen, and what keeps it going? Remember too, that presently this is sci-fi or what we call fringe sci-fi.

Serendipity:  Some of the most amazing, most exciting discoveries in science have occurred by surprise, or more precisely, serendipitously. There we were deep into a search for an entirely different answer or result when up comes an unexpected phenomena that is like a flashing neon sign announcing a new discovery. Well, there we were in our usual efforts to find ET by attempting to intercept some form of communication that would first tell us that ET existed and then begin to tell us who he or she is. Nothing was different in our monitoring program on that evening, but suddenly one of our technicians began typing on his laptop in what proved to be a message from ET; in English!

ET’s First Message: Hello, Earthlings. This is Solandra. I have been  trying to reach you many, many times. I hope this time we connect. I am, what you term, an extra-terrestrial in that I live far, far way from you and your solar system. To confirm that I have finally made contact do nothing other than think “Hello, Solandra”. I will know.

I shall be going now, but if I have received your “Hello”, I will contact you again. Goodbye Earthlings.

The first reactions, of course, were that the technician was spoofing. His plaintive denials along with a very careful analysis of just what was going on when the message was received; actually created, was convincing. His explanation of a strong urge to begin typing on his notebook computer the above message also became convincing. No, there were no voices instructing him, and he was not having a vision of a female ET instructing him. He was simply writing what was in his mind.

A decision was made to keep the entire event secret until there was solid evidence of new communications. Additionally, even though the technician was believed, he agreed to submit to a detailed psychiatric evaluation including hypnosis to help establish that real communications had finally occurred with ET. In this case Ms. ET.

Adding scientific drama to the investigation both the technician and our program director openly and enthusiastically began speculating that the entire transaction had been a new aspect of quantum entanglement. This time it occurred between life-forms; even life-forms of possibly different biological structure and function.

Some members of the team still muttered, “hoax.” Tensions rose, but overall even the doubters were key elements in fully determining if we really had reached ET. Most importantly. serious investigations began on whether quantum entanglement does provide, as Einstein originally opined,” a spooky” psychic link that could inlcude life-forms.  Well stay tuned and decide as we begin a dialog with ET next time.


Heart Links and Quantum Entanglement – Coutesy of Google and quasimanga.deviantart.com


THE AWAKENING – Quantum Mechanics of the Human Brain and Consciousness « END GAME TIMES http://bit.ly/yws6bl

Is Your Quantum Entangled? | BRAIN HEALTH RAP http://bit.ly/AfnZWv

George and John’s Excellent Adventures in Quantum Entanglement [Video] | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network http://bit.ly/wXIh09

The Fountain Magazine | Quantum Worlds from Entanglement to Telepathy http://bit.ly/wL17Zc

Power of Thought – A Quantum Perspective – By Kent Healy – YouTube http://bit.ly/xnYqJY


First Contact

Please keep in mind that the following is fictional and represents only what might occur when Earthlings begin to directly communicate with extra-terrestrials (ET).

Say What? Earliest contact between space scientists and extra-terrestrials was a mystifying stream of odd symbols and spurts of energy that were essentially indecipherable. Lots of arguments of whether what we were hearing or seeing on our equipment was a communication attempt or just more electro-cosmic garbage. What eventually convinced us that we were seeing a communication attempt was both the repetitiveness of much of the so-called noise, and also the apparent schedule of transmissions.  They were not continuous, they occurred at specific intervals and lasted for a set instant of time. The next challenge was to see if we could derive a language or code that would allow us to both decipher the incoming signals and to respond in the same code or language. No, we were not seeing or hearing in English: “Good Day Earthlings, this is ET calling.”

Patterns of Meaning: As we continued to analyze the communications we found a repetitive sequence. This sequence was the same each time we detected another transmission so we assumed that this was a “feeler” message to see if any other entity detected the signals and tried to respond. Well, here we are and that is exactly what we are tying to do; “Good Day ET, this is Earth calling.” Obviously this is not what we would attempt to transmit either. At least we would not try that in the beginning anymore than the extra-terrestrials were.

Additionally, the intervals between the “feeler” were quite long and indicated that most likely it was coming from a great distance or their system only transmitted at very infrequent intervals. How could we tell which was the case? Another possibility was cosmic energy interference. This could be particularly true if the communication was coming from light years away. Alas, there are no quick and ready answers.

A typeset mathematical expression

Mathematical Key

A Common Language: There definitely was rhyme and reason in what we were receiving and the challenge was to determine the structure of the signals or more specifically, its language. In the cosmos, the common language is mathematics, but within cultures there can be unique applications of that language that produce differences in meaning just as with the many languages here on Earth. So, just like interpreters we begin to look for common elements which we labeled “mathematical cognates”. These are mathematical expression exactly the same as some of ours. The key for code breaking. We are on our way to understanding the “feeler”.



Header Image:  An astrophotograph of the Caldwell 30 galaxy. Courtesy of Waddell Robey and the powerful telescopes of Slooh.com (c) 2008

The SETI Array:  The SETI radio-telescope array – courtesy of trendsupdate.com


Yes, ET exists, we just have not met yet. He and or she are out there in our galaxy and beyond. For now we must just imagine what it will be like to be in touch with our cosmic neighbors. We will do this by creating and presenting here a series of email exchanges between ET and us and you. Yes, in your comments you may ask us to pass along your own greetings to ET. We will do that and also relay comments back from ET to you.

Sure it is all sci-fi right now, but one day either here or on some communication link, suddenly the words we read are real and come directly from our ET friends. That’s right, friends.  Despite the worries and warnings of many of our fellow Earthlings, we believe our ET contacts will become our friends. How do we know this? Well, haven’t you been to the Star Wars Cantina?

If you are tapping your feet, at least smiling and most like happily laughing then you are getting what we believe to be the real way of life for our ET friends. Yep, just like us.  Now they may look different or they may not.  We don’t know that yet. Most importantly, we must not rely on sci-fi art to create in our minds what ET will really look like. Heck, they could be more striking, more beautiful  than any of us.  Can we handle that?

Now here is a B I G request. If you visit this blog site and you like what you read, please take the private, personal oath to only refer to possible life forms throughout the cosmos as extra-terrestrials (ET) not aliens.  This latter label has too often been interpreted to imply some person or group as hostile to Earth and its inhabitants. Until proven otherwise, we must believe that our cosmic neighbors are NOT hostile.  In fact, it will be necessary for us to prove we are NOT hostile before we may ever make direct contact with ET.

So welcome aboard and we hope you enjoy the ET Dialogs and that you will participate by adding your greetings and comments on our comments section of this blog. We promise you we will pass back to you any replies from ET.

Oh, yes when that day does come and we meetup with ET. Let us hope we have learned that regardless of how things may look, or how different the other world may be, we are one in the cosmos, and so there can be both great joy and unity.


The header image for this blog is an extract from a astrophograph of the Caldwell 30 galaxy. Courtesy of Waddell Robey and the powerful telescopes at Slooh.com (c)2008