Yes, ET exists, we just have not met yet. He and or she are out there in our galaxy and beyond. For now we must just imagine what it will be like to be in touch with our cosmic neighbors. We will do this by creating and presenting here a series of email exchanges between ET and us and you. Yes, in your comments you may ask us to pass along your own greetings to ET. We will do that and also relay comments back from ET to you.

Sure it is all sci-fi right now, but one day either here or on some communication link, suddenly the words we read are real and come directly from our ET friends. That’s right, friends.  Despite the worries and warnings of many of our fellow Earthlings, we believe our ET contacts will become our friends. How do we know this? Well, haven’t you been to the Star Wars Cantina?

If you are tapping your feet, at least smiling and most like happily laughing then you are getting what we believe to be the real way of life for our ET friends. Yep, just like us.  Now they may look different or they may not.  We don’t know that yet. Most importantly, we must not rely on sci-fi art to create in our minds what ET will really look like. Heck, they could be more striking, more beautiful  than any of us.  Can we handle that?

Now here is a B I G request. If you visit this blog site and you like what you read, please take the private, personal oath to only refer to possible life forms throughout the cosmos as extra-terrestrials (ET) not aliens.  This latter label has too often been interpreted to imply some person or group as hostile to Earth and its inhabitants. Until proven otherwise, we must believe that our cosmic neighbors are NOT hostile.  In fact, it will be necessary for us to prove we are NOT hostile before we may ever make direct contact with ET.

So welcome aboard and we hope you enjoy the ET Dialogs and that you will participate by adding your greetings and comments on our comments section of this blog. We promise you we will pass back to you any replies from ET.

Oh, yes when that day does come and we meetup with ET. Let us hope we have learned that regardless of how things may look, or how different the other world may be, we are one in the cosmos, and so there can be both great joy and unity.


The header image for this blog is an extract from a astrophograph of the Caldwell 30 galaxy. Courtesy of Waddell Robey and the powerful telescopes at (c)2008